Aug 12, 2024

Wheel Of Wonders, IDSurvey Fun Bike Bandung 2024

Hi, SItizen! In celebration of Indonesia's 79th Independence Day, IDSurvey organized a cycling event with participation from employees across three entities (PT BKI (Persero), PT SUCOFINDO, and PT Surveyor Indonesia) and provided Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) assistance to Kampung Blekok, Gedebage.

The CSR assistance included 150 decorative plants to be planted along the roads of Kampung Blekok and support for the relocation of the landfill site for all residents of Kampung Blekok.

Additionally, the cycling event was part of the Employee Wellbeing Program, aimed at balancing work demands with physical and mental health activities.

The event was attended by the Board of Directors, Senior Leaders, and energetic IDSurvey employees, all rallying under the spirit of One Family, One Purpose to advance Indonesia’s New Nusantara.