IDSquad, IDSurvey, the Holding of State-Owned Enterprises in Survey Services, consisting of PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero), PT SUCOFINDO, and PT Surveyor Indonesia, collaborates with Universitas Indonesia to enhance green spaces through the development of the UI Arboretum. This initiative aligns with the green TIC services and commitment of IDSurvey to support sustainable environmental practices and emission reduction.
“Collaboration with UI reflects IDSurvey's commitment to environmental preservation and social responsibility. It is expected to positively impact the academic community and society at large,” said Evi Afiatin, Finance and Risk Management Director of PT SUCOFINDO.
Evi Afiatin further added that the development of the UI Arboretum is not only a conservation effort but also a center for academic research that will drive innovation and sustainability education.
The UI Arboretum is designed as a research facility that supports biodiversity conservation, water absorption, carbon sequestration, and environmental education. This project is part of a broader initiative to promote urban forests as vital resources for addressing climate change, enhancing ecological resilience, and improving urban quality of life.
The event was attended by Evi Afiatin, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation at Universitas Indonesia, Nurtami, Head of CSR Unit of PT Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia (Persero) Arif Bijaksana Prawira Negara, Head of CSR Unit of PT SUCOFINDO Nuri Hidayat, and VP CSR of PT Surveyor Indonesia Yen Ardhiean.
The groundbreaking ceremony for the UI Arboretum is planned for late 2024, with construction expected to be completed by mid-2025. Through this project, IDSurvey and Universitas Indonesia aim to set a benchmark for green spaces that support biodiversity, research, and sustainability for future generations.
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