May 28, 2024

The Ministry of Investment of the Republic of Indonesia/BKPM collaborated with Indonesian Surveyors to hold PSTP & PPB Socialization and Workshops

Hi SItizen, in the form of optimizing understanding and expediting One Stop Integrated Service Performance Assessment (PTSP) and Regional Government Business Implementation Acceleration Performance (PPB) activities, the Ministry of Investment of the Republic of Indonesia/BKPM is collaborating with Surveyor t Indonesia o hold a Socialization and Workshop on Integrated Service Performance Assessment Activities One Door and Accelerated Business Implementation Performance
Regional Government and Accelerated Performance of Business Implementation of State Ministries/Institutions in 2024.

The activity was opened directly by the Director of Business Implementation Cooperation at the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, JS Meyer Siburian and the Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Wahyu Witjaksono.

Surveyor Indonesia is ready to support the follow-up to the mandate in Presidential Regulation Number 42 of 2020 concerning the Award and/or Imposition of Sanctions to State Ministries/Institutions and Regional Governments, in the 2024 Fiscal Year by carrying out documentary and field verifications in PTSP performance assessment activities and PPB and Regional Government Performance.