The Ministry of BUMN has officially reappointed Rosmanidar Zulkifli as Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia.
Based on the results of the EGMS (Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders) which was held on Tuesday 4 July 2023, the Ministry of BUMN officially reappointed Rosmanidar Zulkifli as Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia.
This appointment was made based on the results of an evaluation of Rosmanidar Zulkifli while serving as Director of Finance and Risk Management at PT Surveyor Indonesia, so it was deemed necessary to reappoint him for a second period.
This decision is contained in SK-171/MBU/06/2023 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors of PT Surveyor Indonesia which was attended and witnessed by the Assistant Deputy for Manufacturing Industry, Liliek Mayasari and the series B shareholders, namely: President Director of PT BKI (Persero) , Arisudono Surono, and President Director of PT Sucofindo, Jobi Triananda Hasjim.