PT Surveyor Indonesia held a Comparative Study activity with all the winners of the Innovation competition (SI-INNOVATION 2023)
Hi SItizen, as a token of appreciation for our employees' efforts in innovating and embodying the BUMN AKHLAK core values, PT Surveyor Indonesia organized a Comparative Study visit. This event was attended by the Vice President (VP) of Human Capital, Edwin Pantas Partunggul, and the VP of the Strategic Transformation Office, Euis Amalia Noor, along with all the winners of the Innovation Competition (SI-NNOVATION 2023). The group visited KSO SCISI and SGS in Bangkok, Thailand, on July 11th.
This activity is expected to serve as a motivation and to further accelerate innovation within PT Surveyor Indonesia, enabling the company to continue innovating and providing the best services as a Guardian of Assurance."