Surveyor Indonesia meraih penghargaan “Best Compliance” dari Kementerian Perdagangan Republik Indonesia
To establish a gathering, PT Surveyor Indonesia carried out Halal Bihalal with the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH) and the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in the 4th Floor Hall of Graha Surveyor Indonesia.
Dalam fasilitas-fasilitas tersebut terdapat peran Surveyor Indonesia di dalamnya loh. Mau tahu apa saja? Yuk kita simak Foto di atas.
Realizing women's empowerment through the creative economy, Periska-SI (Indonesian Surveyor Employee Wives Association) held an Ecoprint Training event with the theme "Utilizing Leaves as Natural Coloring Materials in Environmental Conservation Efforts Towards a Smart Environment, Smart City".