Aug 13, 2024

PT Surveyor Indonesia Receives Accreditation Certification as a Conformity Assessment Body

Hi SItizen,

PT Surveyor Indonesia's (PTSI) commitment to maintaining standardization and conformity assessment has earned it an Accreditation Certificate as a Validation and Verification Body, achieved through the consistent application of SNI ISO/IEC 17029:2019, Conformity Assessment — General Principles and Requirements for Validation and Verification Bodies.

This accreditation certificate was presented directly by the Chairman of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), Kukuh S. Achmad, to the President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Sandry Pasambuna, during the National Quality Infrastructure Festival (FIMN) 2024.

PT Surveyor Indonesia has built a solid foundation as a trusted partner in the TIC industry, continually growing and facing challenges with consistent courage and resilience. With this additional Accreditation Certificate and ongoing innovation to meet market demands, PT Surveyor Indonesia is ready to take on a larger role, not only as a strategic partner but also as a guarantor of product quality for its clients. With a strong commitment to the values of reliability and security, PTSI continues to uphold the credibility and capability that its clients require.