PT Surveyor Indonesia together with the Association of Indonesian City Governments (APEKSI) officially launched the Integrated-Sustainability Indonesia Movement (ISIM) for Cities. The event was also attended by Expert Staff for Social Affairs and Poverty Reduction and Head of the SDGs National Secretariat of the Ministry of PPN/BAPPENAS, Vivi Yulaswati, MSc., Chair of the APEKSI Supervisory Board, Bima Arya Sugianto, Assistant Deputy for Manufacturing Industry of the Ministry of SOEs, Liliek Mayasari, and the Head of Sub-Directorate. Environment, Directorate of SUPD I, Directorate General of Regional Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Kunto Bimaji, Board of Commissioners of PT Surveyor Indonesia, and Directors of IDSurvey.
Surveyor Indonesia developed the “I-SIM For Cities” program to support multi-stakeholder sustainability, managing aspects of sustainable development, environment, social & governance, including accelerating the achievement of SDGs at the city level. The Integrated-Sustainability Indonesia Movement (I-SIM) For Cities program is part of the integrated I-SIM for City Governments, Corporations, Industrial Estates and Sustainable Commodities.
The President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, M. Haris Witjaksono said that for the Central and Regional Governments, the new paradigm of development would not only focus on the performance of economic growth but also need to be supported by the quality of sustainable, sustainable and equitable development.
Sustainability is currently a growing global issue driven by the Paris Agreement and the Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Goals (TPB/SDGs) for sustainable development, responsible investment based on Environment, Social & Governance (ESG), renewable energy and others.
To Welcome Eid Al-Fitr 1444 H, PERISKA Surveyor Indonesia in collaboration with the Social and Environmental Responsibility Unit of PT Surveyor Indonesia and KSO SCI-SI held an event to share the blessings of Ramadan at AuIa Graha Surveyor Indonesia on April 11, 2023.
PT Surveyor Indonesia Surabaya Branch signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Nahdlatul Ulama University Sidoarjo (UNUSIDA) in the scope of cooperation in the fields of education, research, and community service.
PT Surveyor Indonesia responded to the disaster by distributing humanitarian assistance to victims of the landslide disaster in Bogor City, West Java on Sunday, October 16, 2022.